Bloomsbury Fashion Central
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Accessory Design

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Aneta Genova (Author)

African Dress: Fashion, Agency, Performance

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Karen Tranberg Hansen and D. Soyini Hansen (Editors)

Apparel Costing

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Andrea Kennedy, Andrea Reyes and Francesco Venezia (Authors)

Apparel Design through Patternmaking

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Injoo Kim, Myoungok Kim and Zachary Hoh (Authors)

Apparel Making in Fashion Design

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Injoo Kim and Mikyung Uh (Authors)

Apparel Merchandising: The Line Starts Here

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Jeremy A. Rosenau and David L. Wilson (Authors)

Apparel Quality Lab Manual

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Janace E. Bubonia (Author)

Appearance and Power

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Kim K.P. Johnson and Sharron J. Lennon (Editors)

The Art of Couture Sewing

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Zoya Nudelman (Author)

The Art of Fashion Draping

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Connie Amaden-Crawford (Author)

Beads and Bead Makers: Gender, Material Culture and Meaning

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Lidia D. Sciama and Joanne B. Eicher (Editors)

Beyond Design: The Synergy of Apparel Product Development

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Sandra Keiser, Deborah Vandermar and Myrna B. Garner (Authors)

Blue jeans

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Carolyn Purnell (Author)

Body Dressing: Dress, Body, Culture

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Joanne Entwistle and Elizabeth Wilson (Editors)

Body Style

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Therèsa M. Winge (Author)

The Book of Pockets: A Practical Guide for Fashion Designers

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Adriana Gorea, Katya Roelse and Martha L. Hall (Authors)

The Business of Fashion: Designing, Manufacturing, and Marketing

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Leslie Davis Burns and Kathy K. Mullet (Authors)

Classic Tailoring Techniques: A Construction Guide for Women’s Wear

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Roberto Cabrera and Patricia Flaherty Meyers (Authors)

Cloth, Dress and Art Patronage in Africa

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Judith Perani and Norma H. Wolff (Authors)

The Clothed Body

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Patrizia Calefato (Author)

Clothing as Material Culture

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Susanne Küchler and Daniel Miller (Editors)

Clothing through American History: The British Colonial Era

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Kathleen A. Staples and Madelyn Shaw (Authors)

Color Studies

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Edith Anderson Feisner and Ronald Reed (Authors)

Colors in Fashion

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Jonathan Faiers and Mary Westerman Bulgarella (Editors)

Construction for Fashion Design

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Anette Fischer and Kiran Gobin (Authors)

Corsets and Crinolines

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Norah Waugh (Author), Judith Dolan (Editor)

Costing for the Fashion Industry

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Nathalie Evans, Michael Jeffrey and Susan Craig (Authors)

Costume in Greek Tragedy

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Rosie Wyles (Author)

Costume in Performance: Materiality, Culture, and the Body

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Donatella Barbieri (Author), Melissa Trimingham (with a contribution from)

Cultural Appropriation in Fashion and Entertainment

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Yuniya Kawamura and Jung-Whan Marc de Jong (Authors)

The Dangers of Fashion: Towards Ethical and Sustainable Solutions

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Sara B. Marcketti and Elena E. Karpova (Editors)

The Design Process

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Karl Aspelund (Author)

Designing a Knitwear Collection: From Inspiration to Finished Garments

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Lisa Donofrio-Ferrezza and Marilyn Hefferen (Authors)

Designing with Color: Concepts and Applications

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Chris Dorosz and J.R. Watson (Authors)

Designing with Smart Textiles

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Sarah Kettley (Author)

Designing: An Introduction

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Karl Aspelund (Author)

Developing a Fashion Collection

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Elinor Renfrew and Todd Lynn (Authors)

Developing and Branding the Fashion Merchandising Portfolio

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Janace Bubonia-Clarke and Phyllis Borcherding (Authors)

Digital Fashion: Theory, Practice, Implications

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Michael R. Spicher, Sara Emilia Bernat and Doris Domoszlai-Lantner (Editors)

Disseminating Dress: Britain’s Fashion Networks, 1600–1970

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Serena Dyer, Jade Halbert and Sophie Littlewood (Editors)

Draping Basics

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Sally M. Di Marco (Author)

Draping for Apparel Design: 4th Edition

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Helen Joseph-Armstrong and Susan P. Ashdown (Authors)

Dress and Ideology: Fashioning Identity from Antiquity to the Present

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Shoshana-rose Marzel and Guy D. Stiebel (Editors)

Dress History: New Directions in Theory and Practice

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Charlotte Nicklas and Annebella Pollen (Authors)

Dress Sense: Emotional and Sensory Experiences of the Body and Clothes

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Donald Clay Johnson and Helen Bradley Foster (Editors)

Dressed in Fiction

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Clair Hughes (Author)

Dressed in Time: A World View

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Margaret Maynard (Author)

Dressed to Impress: Looking the Part

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William J.F. Keenan (Editor)

Dressing and Undressing Duchamp

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Ingrid E. Mida (Author)

The Dynamics of Fashion: 6th Edition

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Sheryl A. Farnan and Elaine Stone (Authors)

Elizabethan Costume Design and Construction

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Helen Q. Huang, Emily Hoem and Kelsey Hunt (Authors)

Entrepreneurship in Action: A Retail Store Simulation

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Rosalie J. Regni and Jimmie G. Anderson (Authors)

Ethics in the Fashion Industry

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V. Ann Paulins and Julie L. Hillery (Authors)

Everyday Fashion: Interpreting British Clothing Since 1600

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Bethan Bide, Jade Halbert and Liz Tregenza (Editors)

Fabulous Fit: Speed Fitting and Alteration

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Judith A. Rasband and Elizabeth L.G. Liechty (Authors)

The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Fashion

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Sandra Keiser and Phyllis G. Tortora (Authors)

The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles

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Ajoy K. Sarkar Phyllis, G. Tortora and Ingrid Johnson (Authors)

Fashion Aesthetics and Ethics: Past and Present

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Louise Wallenberg and Andrea Kollnitz (Editors)

Fashion and Celebrity Culture

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Pamela Church Gibson (Author)

Fashion and Class

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Rachel Worth (Author)

Fashion and Cultural Studies

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Susan B. Kaiser and Denise Nicole Green (Authors)

Fashion and Everyday Life: London and New York

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Cheryl Buckley and Hazel Clark (Authors)

Fashion and Modernism

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Louise Wallenberg and Andrea Kollnitz (Editors)

Fashion and Motherhood: Image, Material, Identity

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Laura Snelgrove (Editor), Christina Moon (Foreword by)

Fashion and Museums: Theory and Practice

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Marie Riegels Melchior and Birgitta Svensson (Editors)

Fashion and Music

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Janice Miller (Author)

Fashion and Technology: A Guide to Materials and Applications

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Aneta Genova and Katherine Moriwaki (Authors)

Fashion Brand Stories

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Joseph H. Hancock (Author)

Fashion Branding: Unraveled

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Kaled K. Hameide (Author)

Fashion Buying: From Trend Forecasting to Shop Floor

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David Shaw and Dimitri Koumbis (Authors)

Fashion by Design

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Janice Greenberg Ellinwood (Author)

Fashion City: How Jewish Londoners shaped global style

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Bethan Bide and Lucie Whitmore (Authors)

Fashion Curating: Critical Practice in the Museum and Beyond

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Annamari Vänskä and Hazel Clark (Editors)

Fashion, Dress and Post-postmodernism

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José Blanco F. and Andrew Reilly (Editors)

Fashion Entrepreneurship: Retail Business Planning

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Michele M. Granger, Tina M. Sterling and Ann Cantrell (Authors)

Fashion Flats & Technical Drawing

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Bina Abling and Felice DaCosta (Authors)

Fashion Forecasting

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Lorynn R. Divita (Author)

Fashion Forward 3rd Edition: A Guide To Fashion Forecasting

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Chelsea Rousso and Nancy Kaplan Ostroff (Authors)

Fashion Foundations: Early Writings on Fashion and Dress

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Kim K. P. Johnson, Susan J. Torntore and Joanne B. Eicher (Editors)

Fashion History: A Global View

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Linda Welters and Abby Lillethun (Authors)

Fashion, Identity, Image

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Paul Jobling, Philippa Nesbitt and Angelene Wong (Authors)

Fashion in American Life

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Hazel Clark and Lauren Downing Peters (Editors)

Fashion in Fiction: Text and Clothing in Literature, Film, and Television

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Peter McNeil, Vicki Karaminas and Catherine Cole (Editors)

The Fashion Industry and Its Careers 5th Edition

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Sheryl A. Farnan and Michele M. Granger (Authors)

Fashion Installation: Body, Space, and Performance

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Adam Geczy and Vicki Karaminas (Authors)

The Fashion Intern

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Michele M. Granger (Author)

Fashion Law: A Guide for Designers, Fashion Executives, and Attorneys

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Guillermo C. Jimenez and Barbara Kolsun (Editors)

Fashion Media: Past and Present

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Djurdja Bartlett, Shaun Cole and Agnès Rocamora (Editors)

Fashion Promotion in Practice

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Jon Cope and Dennis Maloney (Authors)

Fashion Retailing: A multi-channel approach

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Jay Diamond, Ellen Diamond and Sheri Litt (Authors)

Fashion: Seductive Play

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Eugen Fink (Author), Stefano Marino and Giovanni Matteucci (Editors)

Fashion Sketchbook

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Bina Abling (Author)

Fashion, Society, and the First World War: International Perspectives

Maude Bass-Krueger, Hayley Edwards-Dujardin and Sophie Kurkdjian (Editors)

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Fashion Styling

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Jacqueline McAssey, Sophie Benson and Clare Buckley (Authors)

Fashion Supply Chain Management

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Michael P. Londrigan and Jacqueline M. Jenkins (Authors)

Fashion Trends: Analysis and Forecasting

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Eundeok Kim, Ann Marie Fiore, Alice Payne and Hyejeong Kim (Authors)

Fashionable Art

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Adam Geczy and Jacqueline Millner (Authors)

Fashionable Childhood: Children in Advertising

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Annamari Vänskä (Author), Eva Malkki (Translated by)

Fashioning Horror: Dressing to Kill on Screen and in Literature

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Julia Petrov and Gudrun D. Whitehead (Editors)

Fashioning Japanese Subcultures

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Yuniya Kawamura (Author)

Fashioning Spain: From Mantillas to Rosalía

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Francisco Fernández de Alba and Marcela T. Garcés (Authors)

Fashioning the Afropolis: Histories, Materialities and Aesthetic Practices

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Kerstin Pinther, Kristin Kastner and Basile Ndjio (Editors)

Fashioning the Modern Middle East: Gender, Body, and Nation

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Reina Lewis and Yasmine Nachabe Taan (Editors)

Fashion: The Key Concepts

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Jennifer Craik (Author)

Fashion’s World Cities

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Christopher Breward and David Gilbert (Editors)


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Hanne Blank (Author)

Fitting & Pattern Alteration: A Multi-Method Approach To The Art Of Style Selection, Fitting, And Alteration

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Judith Rasband, Elizabeth Liechty and Della Pottberg-Steineckert (Authors)

Food and Fashion

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Melissa Marra-Alvarez and Elizabeth Way (Editors)

From Pencil to Pen Tool: Understanding and Creating the Digital Fashion\n Image

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Jemi Armstrong, Lorrie Ivas and Wynn Armstrong (Authors)

Functional Clothing Design: From Sportswear to Spacesuits

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Susan M. Watkins and Lucy E. Dunne (Authors)

The Fundamentals of Fashion Design

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Richard Sorger and Jenny Udale (Authors)

Global Denim

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Daniel Miller and Sophie Woodward (Editors)

Going Global: The Textile and Apparel Industry

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Elena E. Karpova, Grace I. Kunz and Myrna B. Garner (Authors)

Greeks and Romans on the Latin American Stage

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Rosa Andújar and Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos (Editors)

Guide To Fashion Entrepreneurship: The Plan, The Product, The Process

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Melissa G. Carr and Lisa Hopkins Newell (Authors)

A Guide to Fashion Sewing

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Connie Amaden-Crawford (Author)

Guide to Producing a Fashion Show

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Judith C. Everett, Kristen K. Swanson and José Blanco F. (Authors)

Hair: Styling, Culture and Fashion

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Geraldine Biddle-Perry and Sarah Cheang (Editors)


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Clair Hughes (Author)

High Heel

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Summer Brennan (Author)

Historical Pattern Archive: Women’s Clothing 1837-1969

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Thomas John Bernard and Marcy Linton (Authors)

Historical Perspectives on Sustainable Fashion: Inspiration for Change

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Amy Twigger Holroyd, Jennifer Farley Gordon and Colleen Hill (Authors)

The History of Fashion Journalism

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Kate Nelson Best (Author)


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Alison Kinney (Author)

In Fashion

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Sheryl A. Farnan and Elaine Stone (Authors)

Inside the Westminster Menswear Archive

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Andrew Groves and Danielle Sprecher (Authors)

Integrating Draping, Drafting, and Drawing

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Bina Abling and Kathleen Maggio (Authors)

International Retailing

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Brenda Sternquist and Elizabeth B. Goldsmith (Authors)

Introduction to AccuMark, Pattern Design, and Product Data Management

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Julia Ridgway Sharp and Virginia Hencken Elsasser (Authors)

Jews and Shoes

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Edna Nahshon (Editor)

Jews in Suits: Men’s Dress in Vienna, 1890–1938

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Jonathan C. Kaplan-Wajselbaum (Author)

J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science Swatch Kit

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Ajoy K. Sarkar, Ingrid Johnson and Allen C. Cohen (Authors)

J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science: 12th Edition

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Ajoy K. Sarkar, Ingrid Johnson and Allen C. Cohen (Authors)

Know Your Fashion Accessories

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Celia Stall-Meadows (Author)

Latin American and Latinx Fashion Design Today - ¡Moda Hoy!

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Tanya Meléndez-Escalante and Melissa Marra-Alvarez (Editors)

Libertine Fashion: Sexual Freedom, Rebellion, and Style

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Adam Geczy and Vicki Karaminas (Authors)

Luxury Fashion and Media Communication: Between the Material and Immaterial

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Paula von Wachenfeldt and Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (Editors)

Marketing Fashion Footwear: The Business of Shoes

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Fiona Armstrong-Gibbs and Tamsin McLaren (Authors)

Marketing Fashion: A Global Perspective

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Patricia Mink Rath, Richard Petrizzi and Penny Gill (Authors)

Mathematics for Retail Buying

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Bette K. Tepper and Marla Greene (Authors)

The Meanings of Dress

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José Blanco F. (Editor)

Memories of Dress: Recollections of Material Identities

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Alison Slater, Susan Atkin and Elizabeth Kealy-Morris (Editors)


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John Hopkins (Author)

Menswear Trends

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Aki Choklat (Author)

Menswear: Business to Style

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Michael P. Londrigan (Author)

Merchandise Planning Workbook

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Rosetta S. LaFleur (Author)

Model Drawing

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Bina Abling (Author)

The Most Beautiful Job in the World: Lifting the Veil on the Fashion Industry

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Giulia Mensitieri (Author), Natasha Lehrer (Translated by)

The New Munsell Student Color Set

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James Thomas Long (Author)

Old Clothes, New Looks: Second Hand Fashion

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Alexandra Palmer and Hazel Clark (Editors)

Orlan: Millennial Female

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Kate Ince (Author)

Paris, Capital of Fashion

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Valerie Steele (Editor)

Pattern Cutting for Men’s Costume

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Elizabeth Friendship (Editor)

Patternmaking for Menswear: Classic to Contemporary

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Myoungok Kim and Injoo Kim (Authors)

Patternmaking History and Theory

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Jennifer Grayer Moore (Editor)

Performance Costume: New Perspectives and Methods

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Sofia Pantouvaki and Peter McNeil (Editors)

Perry’s Department Store: An Importing Simulation

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Donna W. Reamy and Cynthia W. Steele (Authors)

Perry’s Department Store: A Buying Simulation

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Karen M. Videtic and Cynthia W. Steele (Authors)

Philosophical Perspectives on Fashion

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Giovanni Matteucci and Stefano Marino (Editors)

Principles of Flat-Pattern Design

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Nora M. MacDonald (Author)

Professional Sewing Techniques for Designers

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Julie Cole and Sharon Czachor (Authors)

Promotion In The Merchandising Environment

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Kristen K. Swanson and Judith C. Everett (Authors)

Punk Style

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Monica Sklar (Author)

Queer Style

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Adam Geczy and Vicki Karaminas (Authors)

Queer Style

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Adam Geczy and Vicki Karaminas (Authors)

Reading Fashion in Art

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Ingrid E. Mida (Author)

The Real World Guide to Fashion Selling and Management

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J. Gerald Sherman and S. Sar Perlman (Authors)

Research and Design for Fashion

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Richard Sorger and Simon Seivewright (Authors)

Retailing In Emerging Markets

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Shubhapriya Bennur and Jaya Halapete (Editors)

Retailing in the Twenty-First Century

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Jay Diamond and Sheri Litt (Authors)

Rethinking Fashion Globalization

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Sarah Cheang, Erica de Greef and Takagi Yoko (Editors)

Second-Hand Cultures

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Nicky Gregson and Louise Crewe (Authors)

Shakespeare and Costume

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Patricia Lennox and Bella Mirabella (Editors)

Social Psychology of Dress

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Sharron J. Lennon, Kim K. P. Johnson and Nancy A. Rudd (Authors)

Social Responsibility in the Global Apparel Industry

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Marsha A. Dickson, Suzzana Loker and Molly Eckman (Authors)


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Kim Adrian (Author)

The Spec Manual

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Michele Wesen Bryant and Diane DeMers (Authors)

Special Effects Make-up

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Janus Vinther (Author)

Staging Fashion: The Fashion Show and Its Spaces

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Tiziana Ferrero-Regis and Marissa Lindquist (Editors)

The Staging Handbook

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Francis Reid (Author)

Styling Shanghai

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Christopher Breward and Juliette MacDonald (Editors)

Surface Design for Fabric

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Kimberly A. Irwin (Author)

Survey of Historic Costume

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Phyllis G. Tortora and Sara B. Marcketti (Authors)

Survey of Historic Costume

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Phyllis G. Tortora and Sara B. Marcketti (Authors)

Survey of Historic Costume: Student Study Guide

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Phyllis G. Tortora and Sara B. Marcketti (Authors)

Sustainable Fashion: Take Action

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Connie Ulasewicz and Janet Hethorn (Authors)

Tailoring Techniques for Fashion

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Milva Fiorella Di Lorenzo (Author)

Technical Sourcebook for Apparel Designers

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Jaeil Lee and Camille Steen (Authors)

Techno Fashion

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Bradley Quinn (Author)

Textiles: Concepts and Principles

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Virginia Hencken Elsasser and Julia Ridgway Sharp (Authors)

Theatre Artisans and Their Craft: The Allied Arts Fields

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Rafael Jaen, Holly Poe Durbin and Christin Essin (Editors)

Through the Wardrobe: Women’s Relationships with Their Clothes

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Ali Guy, Eileen Green and Maura Banim (Editors)

Trench Coat

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Jane Tynan (Author)


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Fiona Anderson (Author)

Twentieth-Century American Fashion

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Linda Welters and Patricia A. Cunningham (Editors)


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Rafia Zakaria (Author)

Victorian Fashion Accessories

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Ariel Beaujot (Author)

The Visible Self: Fashion and Dress Across Cultures

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Sandra Lee Evenson and Joanne B. Eicher (Authors)

Visual Merchandising and Display

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Martin M. Pegler and Anne Kong (Authors)

Visual Merchandising for Fashion

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Sarah Bailey and Jonathan Baker (Authors)

Wedding Dress Across Cultures

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Helen Bradley Foster and Donald Clay Johnson (Editors)

Who’s Who In Fashion

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Holly Price Alford (Author)

The Why of the Buy: Consumer Behavior and Fashion Marketing 3rd Edition

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Lorynn Divita, Patricia Mink Rath, Stefani Bay, Richard Petrizzi and Penny Gill (Authors)

Why Women Wear What They Wear

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Sophie Woodward (Author)

Wig Making and Styling: A Complete Guide for Theatre & Film

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Martha Ruskai and Allison Lowery (Authors)

The World of Fashion

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Jay Diamond and Ellen Diamond (Authors)

Writing for the Fashion Business

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Kristen K. Swanson, Judith C. Everett and Jenny B. Davis (Authors)

Your Personal Style

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Nancy Plummer (Author)

Zero Waste Fashion Design

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Timo Rissanen and Holly McQuillan (Authors)

Zero Waste Fashion Design

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Timo Rissanen and Holly McQuillan (Editors)

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